Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Round of Buchanan Doom and Gloom

Our craving for another Pat Buchanan "doom and gloom" on the American economy has been given its fix.

The impetus to today's rant was Moody's warning that the United States Treasury bonds, which, for a century have been considered the world's most secure investment, are in danger of losing their triple-A investment rating.

While Republican candidates for president promise to continue to expand our military empire, the Democrats promise universal health care for the 50 million Americans that no longer have it. The dollar sinks, oil breaks $100 per barrel, Wall Street suffers a terrible January, foreclosures mount, credit card debt goes rotten.

Inflation in '07 in the U.S. appears to have been a considerable 6.7%.

America's falling banks are being bailed out by the Chinese, the Saudis and the Kuwaitis.

Yes. Doom and gloom. These are the conditions out of which Adam Archetype will emerge.

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