Thursday, October 25, 2007

China, the New Mistriss of the World

China has now blown past Germany to become the number one exporter in the world. Say hello to the Asian Rising Tide.

Quite astonishing that a nation ruled by the Communist Party should become the new capital superpower.

Of course, people will refer to other statistics, the fact of the huge population advantage for china, or whatever else to try to temper this fact, but the fact remains.

The United States was the world creditor in 1920 after it financed Europe's first world war. Europe was in debt to the United States as the United States bloomed into the commercial mistress of the planet. her material position, her abundant supply of natural resources and her hearty and hard-working citizens would erect the highest of nations by the outcome of World War II, when the United States, with a few other powers, initiated a world government, ruled over by a security council of a few great powers, most prominent being the United States.

Today the United States is a debtor nation. The dollar is worth about 3 cents what it was worth when the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Today the United States is highly taxed, highly stressed and bogged down in expensive foreign wars that seem to have no end in sight. We pay for these wars by borrowing from China. As China finances our failing adventure in the middle east, she establishes peaceful trade relations with every other nation on the planet, she practices a foreign policy of non-intervention, and she bullies the United States into continuing to acquiesce in unfair trade practices that goes against everything Alexander Hamilton taught us 200 years ago.

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